Se acerca la quinta edición del Marval Annual Summit on Compliance, Anti-Corruption and Investigations, un evento líder sobre compliance en Latinoamérica donde expositores locales e internacionales comparten su experiencia en desafíos, desarrollos y tendencias en este rubro.
La conferencia será liderada por el socio Gustavo Morales Oliver, head del departamento de Compliance, Anticorrupción e Investigaciones, y contará con más de 20 speakers de prestigiosas organizaciones, entre los que se destacan: David Last (Chief, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Unit, US Department of Justice), Marcelo Ribeiro de Oliveira (Federal Prosecutor at Brazilian Federal Prosecution Service, Deputy Head of the International Cooperation Unit (MPF) ) Delia Ferreira Rubio (Global Chair, Transparency International), Daniel Khan (White Collar Defense & Investigations Partner, DavisPolk), Andrew M. Levine (White Collar and Regulatory Defense, and Internal Investigations Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton), Luis Villanueva (Assistant Secretary Anticorruption Office, Argentina), María Archimbal (Chief Compliance Officer, YPF), Ana Lopez Espinar (Partner, Forensic Services), Andres Sarcuno (Director, PwC Argentina), Leandro Dores (Partner, Forensic & Integrity Services, EY Argentina), Daniel Rodriguez Bravo (Compliance and Investigations Partner, CMS Rodíguez-Azuero, Colombia), Mónica Gutiérrez (Senior Compliance Officer, Stryker, México), Hernán Cao (Legal and Compliance Director, Bristol Myers Squibb, Argentina), Federico Vielmi (Latin America Compliance Director, Ford Motor Company, Argentina), Leticia López-Lapuente (Digital and Privacy Partner, Uria Menéndez, Spain), Jeffrey Clark (Litigation, Compliance and Enforcement Partner, Willkie Farr & Gallagher), Raúl Saccani (Managing Partner of Forensic and Dispute Services LatAm, Deloitte, Argentina), Juan Cruz Amirante (Associate Managing Director LatAm, Kroll, Argentina), Thiago Jabor Pinheiro (Compliance and Investigations Partner, Mattos Filho, Brazil), Shin Jae Kim (Compliance and Investigations Partner, Tozzini Freire, Brazil) , y Diego Sierra (Partner, Von Wobeser).
Además, por parte de Marval O’Farrell Mairal también expondrán Santiago Carregal (Chairman), Ricardo A. Ostrower (Litigation Partner), María Lorena Schiariti (Public Law Partner) Enrique M. Stile (Labor Partner) Santiago del Río (Antitrust Partner), Francisco Abeal (Banking and AML Partner), Gonzalo Ezequiel Márquez Alonso de la Barcena (Compliance, Anti-Corruption and Investigations Associate), Guillermo Matías Osorio (Labor Partner) and Andrés O´Farrell (Criminal Law Partner).
El evento se desarrollará entre las 9 y las 18 h (ARG) el próximo miércoles 14 de septiembre.
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