Programas de Inglés Legal con Abogados de Estados Unidos & Gran Bretaña

The Institute Global, una empresa internacional de capacitación ejecutiva, ha lanzado su instituto de inglés corporativo, incluyendo sus programas de Legal English.

Estos programas son dictados por abogados de Estados Unidos graduados de Yale Law School y Georgetown Law School y de Gran Bretaña con experiencia profesional en Clifford Chance Londres, entre otros.

Cuatro niveles de enseñanza de inglés legal


TIG School of English Legal English Courses will commence on the week of March 21th and run through July 8th meeting in 90-minute sessions two times a week totaling 45 hours. Class times offered will be dependent on class size and demand but it is expected that the Legal English Courses will have the following schedules:

•8:30am-10:00am (Tuesday-Thursday)
•6:00pm- 7:30pm (Monday-Wednesday and Tuesday-Thursday)
•7:30pm-9:00pm (Monday-Wednesday and Tuesday-Thursday)

Materials will be provided to the student by the teacher in the form of articles, video and listening exercises, and other classroom activities and TIG will refer the students to a specific textbook.


Module 1: Rhetorical modes: basic essay structure, summary, comparison, persuasion; note-taking and paraphrasing
Module 2: Writing: business letters and correspondence
Module 3: Law firm practice, corporate law
Module 4: Contracts and real estate
Module 5: Writing a contract - sales, services, and real estate
Module 6: Writing and communicating in the IRAC/CRAC format


Module 1: Rhetoric and informal communication
Module 2: Law firm practice and structure
Module 3: Corporate law
Module 4: Contract law, sale of goods
Module 5: Real estate law; writing real property contracts
Module 6: Writing and arguing in the IRAC/CRAC format; types of legal communications
Module 7: Office memoranda and informative communication
Module 8: Case briefs and persuasive communication


Module 1: Rhetoric versus informal communications
Module 2: Fundamentals of the U.S. Legal System
Module 3: The Practice of Law
Module 4: Corporate Law
Module 5: Fundamental changes, corporate reorganization
Module 6: Contract formation and sale of goods
Module 7: Real Property Law
Module 8: Legal writing in the IRAC and CRAC formats; informative and persuasive writing and speech
Module 9: Memoranda, Case Briefs, and Oral Argument


Module 1 - The Practice of Law Advanced
Module 2: Civil Law vs. Common Law
Module 3 - Corporate Law Advanced: formation, management, capitalization and changes in corporate structure
Module 4 – Criminal Law
Module 5: International Law
Module 6: Antitrust Law
Module 7 - Contract formation advanced, assignment, third party rights and remedies
Module 8: Sale of Goods
Module 9: Real Property Law Advanced

Price: four monthly payments of USD 170 each one before VAT (plus the cost of the materials – around USD 35)

Consulte por Programas in-company y descuentos por inscripción temprana y por grupos!

TIG School of English Argentina
Ing Butty 240 - Piso 4
Buenos Aires
4 590 2491
[email protected]





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